Wastewater treatment at the Homanit factory
Nuotekų valymas Homanit gamykloje:
Vandens valymo įrenginius numatyta statyti šiaurinėje sklypo dalyje. Jie bus naudojami gamybos metu atsiradusių nuotekų pirminiam valymui. Poveikio Vokės upei tai nesukels, nes po pirminio valymo visos nuotekos bus atiduodamos „Vilniaus vandenims“ galutinai išvalyti. Nevalomos nuotekos nebus išleidžiamos į jokią gamtinę aplinką.
2023 metais Vilniaus rajone pastatytoje naujoje medienos plokščių ir komponentų gamykloje Homanit , pirminiam mechaniniam nešmenų sulaikymui, transportavimui, sausinimui , sutankinimui ir pašalinimui, sumontuotos UAB Fineco Ltd pasiūlytos smulkaus sijojimo grotos konteineryje su revoliucine dviguba pavara.
1 piece – containerised version of the Noggerath® Rotary Drum Screen RSI-DD-T-1000
We believe that the installed equipment offered by Fineco Ltd will have a long service life and will flawlessly fulfil the objectives set for these machines.
Noggerath® Rotary Drum Grate RSI-DD-T containerised version

This containerised version of the Noggerath® drum grate RSI-DD-T is a combined wastewater treatment plant that combines fine screening, transport of sieved materials, dewatering, compaction and disposal. It does not require a sewer and is fed by a pump through flanged connections.
Noggerath® Rotary Drum Screen RSI-DD

The fine screening of sewage in the container can be carried out with a perforated or wire sieve.In contrast to conventional technology, the sieve drum and the screw conveyor rotate independently of each other, so that in the inlet zone, the drum sieve can be equipped with a non-suspended swing arm, which means that the inlet zone is always open and free of blockages.